
時間 2022-11-24 12:40:35



mistake the customer'sthey don't want us to2 :for them

3 :and this is the customerthey only hope we could design5: the attachment

6:jack(如果jack是乙個人名的話,如果是公司名就是jack)7:provided the customer with8:

replace quondam fiber with another fiber of which ...

9:jack agreed to replace the fiber for free

10:the customer would also like to pay .. for returning the fiber(我不知道share是啥,根據語義 替換成了pay)


我的耐心不好 所以沒看多少 不過找到一點they don't want to us provide 應該為 they do not want us to


i conducted the hs bs test on another clamp with the client s sample,and i found all the problems i mentioned to you were solved,be it on the tin ball...


on in to from to in of to on for in on on about in on for at since for collected collectingbreaks broke to talk talking are were singing sing won t do...


other lack water cities any other cities lack of water.and let the people there drink it.and let all people there drink it.they may can get health may...


1.like 2.in 3.by 4.from to 5.for 6.at 7.back 8.after 9.with 10.on 1.like 體現出了像 2.in 在某些方面 3.by 乘坐 4.from to寫出距離 5.for 後面是名詞用for 6.at 時間前面用at 7.down 寫出...


李陽瘋狂英語 真的不錯咯 突破啞巴英語 更種考試題型各一本書 你把那六七本拿下,相信你的英語會有乙個飛躍 俺當年是受益者 後來英語居然能考到120多分啊 特不容易 剛好你又是初中生,那套資料真的不錯,裡面練習的大部分都是歷年的真題 先背單詞,再找本基本語法書,薄冰的最好。單詞量夠了,語法會了就行。我...